Private Medical Insurance - Red Sky Insurance

Private Medical Insurance

Private Medical Insurance

What is Private Medical Insurance?

Private medical insurance focuses on providing fast treatment for acute conditions.

Acute Conditions – Have a rapid onset but can typically be resolved within six months. Examples of acute conditions are a broken bone, heart attack or a stroke.

Chronic Conditions – Have a long-term impact and can rarely be cured. Examples of chronic conditions include Asthma, Diabetes and Parkinson disease.

  • Helps to avoid waiting times through the NHS.
  • It can cover the cost of medical treatment or investigations you receive. This treatment will usually be undertaken at private healthcare facilities. It is worth noting private medical insurance doesn’t cover you for everything, its focus is to treat acute conditions not chronic ones.
  • It gives you the freedom to choose consultants and hospitals that come highly recommended.
  • In most cases it allows you to access private wards or private rooms allowing you to recover in peace.
  • Removes concern over NHS budgets for specialist drugs and treatments.

Family Health Insurance

Just like individual health insurance plans family ones work the same. The first step will be to visit your GP, if you need further diagnostic tests these will be carried out under your health insurance policy.

Private health insurance is designed to work alongside the services the NHS offer, but has a major focus on providing fast treatment for acute medical conditions. You can still use all the services the NHS provide, but with increasingly stretched resources health insurance allows you to gain control over when and where you receive treatment.

Great Service
Spoke to Ben at First Platinum (Red Sky) and would highly recommend! He guided me through the process and explained the best cover for my needs. Took the hassle out of looking around all the companies and got me sorted out in no time. Great service!!!

Things To Consider

Health insurance gives you access to private healthcare and helps cover the cost. That's anything from seeing a private doctor, to surgery and treatment.

Consider health insurance if you want to:

  • Avoid lengthy GP and hospital waiting lists
  • Get diagnosed and treated quickly
  • Access specialist drugs and treatments

Protect Your Family

- Rashed Ka, CEO
We help you with everything including filling forms in.

Things To consider

It depends on which package you choose but standard life insurance policies will typically help pay alleviate any financial worries at difficult times.


  • Comprehensive
  • Lump sum payout
  • Quick Processing
  • Cheapest

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    Get your answer

    You may want to consider life insurance if you have a mortgage and you want to leave a debt free estate, or if there are people who rely on you financially, like your partner or children. Life insurance can also help cover the cost of funerals, or even if you want to leave your children something when you pass away.
    Life insurance can be set up to cover a specific length of time or even for the whole of your life. Various factors will determine the cost, such as age, health and level of cover. You can control who the money will be paid to and for how long you want the policy to be in place.
    Under current tax rules, pay-outs for critical illness, terminal illness and death claims are usually free of personal liability to pay income tax and capital gains tax. However, in some circumstances your pay-out may be subject to inheritance tax. You can normally help avoid this by putting your plan in trust. Bear in mind that the law relating to tax may change in the future. (For tax planning, we act as introducers only)
    When you choose to take out a life insurance policy with one of our providers, they pay us a commission. Our service is always fee-free.
    This depends on your individual circumstances as the amount of cover required is often different for each family. If you are married, have a large mortgage and four children then you are likely to need more cover than a single parent living in a rented flat with one child.
    Yes, you can have more than one life insurance policy.
    Many couples take out joint life insurance policies, due to the convenience and in order to save money, as it is cheaper than taking out policies on an individual basis. However, joint life insurance usually only pays out once, on the first death, leaving the surviving partner without cover.

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